History of Tau Omicron Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
In the year of 1948, Tau Omicron Chapter was issued a Charter by the National Headquarters of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity for the Martinsville and Danville areas. Charter members were Clyde L. Williams, J. Elmer Turner, James Hughes, G. Banks, James Slade, Dr. R.O. Wilson, Robert Hairston Sr., Charles Richardson and William S.Turner. The Brotherhood established a meeting schedule that rotated between Martinsville and Danville on a monthly basis.
Tau Omicron continued to grow as new Brothers moved into the two communities served by the chapter. With the continued growth, it was decided that it would be beneficial for the two communities to establish separate chapters in each community. At the time of separation, it was agreed that the charter would remain in Martinsville and the Brothers in Danville would seek a new Charter, thus becoming Rho Iota. Clyde Williams became the newly elected Basileus of Tau Omicron with a membership of ten Brothers. In 1977 Tau Omicron initiated its first member into the fraternity, Brother William Howell.
Tau Omicron, now consisting of brothers from only the Martinsville area began to get more involved in the black community by sponsoring more of the Fraternities’ mandated programs. As years passed more Brothers moved into the area and joined Tau Omicron.
Presently, the Chapter consists of 33 financial brothers. Officers are Basileus: Garrett Dillard, Vice-Basileus: Richard Harris, Keeper of Records and Seal: Derrick Ziglar Jr, Keeper of Finance: Damian Wainwright, Chaplain: Matthew Brown and Keeper of Peace: Alexay Hairston.